Technical Vocational Training Academy
Training is an art, we improve its creation, we provide harmonious training with the latest equipment and the best skills, we have a technical team available throughout the training day, we provide highly qualified trainers, and we have training solutions for the future of our trainees, we do not hesitate to bring everything new that keeps pace with technological development Accelerated.
Training Courses In-Vehicle Technology
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About Us
The Technical Vocational Training Academy (TVTA) / Automotive Technology Academy (ATA) is a private organization established in Jordan in 2005. TVTA believes that every young person deserves an opportunity to build a brighter future to ensure economic independence and social inclusion. TVTA believes in the positive energy of youth and that economic empowerment is the lever to all social change.
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+962790668680 +96264744486
عمان - الاردن - شارع البراق - بناية 29